The Importance Of Breed Judging
Anyone who is a Facebook user and who visits large dog shows regularly
could be forgiven for thinking that the most important part of the show is the big ring
where Groups and Best In Show are judged. The way our shows have evolved, and
the change in exhibitors’ mentality, have encouraged that assumption. (You only
have to look the proliferation of bragging posts where Group and Best wins are being
highlighted; more often than not the judge of the breed seldom gets a mention.)
However we should always remember that variety competition – where different
breeds compete with each other – is an inexact form of judging. You cannot directly
compare a Chihuahua with a Great Dane; you evaluate the subject dog against its
own Breed Standard, see how it measures up and place accordingly. It is actually a
subtle variation on the points system that was long ago present in the Breed
We all love the glamour and the razzamatazz of the big ring and have had to
get used to the loud music, spotlights and elaborate floral displays but at the end of
the day this is something of a circus.
What we should always remember is that the most important part of any dog
show is THE BREED RING as this is where dogs can be judged directly against their
competition. I believe that this is sometimes overlooked, especially when judging
panels are formulated as all too often, when looking at show schedules, one gets the
distinct impression that some breeds have just been “tagged on” to judges who have
no great interest in, or experience of, the breed concerned to pad out their day and
make the show more economically viable. Is sufficient thought given to the
appointment of judges for THE BREEDS as it is in the breed ring where breeds can
be moulded, and indeed changed, as a result of the breed judges’ decisions?
The late Raymond Oppenheimer was one of the few geniuses I have ever met
and befriended. He was passionate, no he was obsessive, about his beloved Bull
Terriers in which breed he was considered the Godfather. However, beyond his own
breed he possessed infinite wisdom and common sense, much of which has
thankfully been committed to print. Raymond once discussed with me a theory he
had about the progress of judges. On the surface it appears completely outlandish,
but when you analyse the thinking behind it there is much value in Raymond’s
He suggested that when anyone first expresses an interest in judging they
should be invited to judge Best In Show at an all-breeds show. In the Best In Show
ring there will hopefully be excellent examples of their breed in contention, some
better than others, and, whatever the judge’s decision, he can do no great harm.
Having fulfilled several Best In Show appointments satisfactorily then, Raymond
opined, the judge should be invited to officiate at Group level. When they have
acquitted themselves well in several Group rings, THEN, and only then, should that
judge be trusted with an appointment to judge THE BREED. Raymond expanded
that it is in the breed ring where judges can actually shine and demonstrate their
absolute knowledge or, conversely, do the most harm.
Impractical and outrageous as it may sound, there is a lot of merit in the
thinking behind it.
So, whether it be when judging panels are being formulated, or win ads being
composed, we should never forget that the foundation of our dog shows where
breeds can be helped or hindered is actually the breed ring - which may be in some
far-off corner of a showground and a very long way from the limelight.
(This article may not be reproduced in any form without the author’s
Welcome to my new website where I hope you will find lots to interest you, whether you are an exhibitor, breeder, judge or just a committed dog lover. Over the years I have had the opportunity to interview many of the icons of our sport and lots of their wisdom has been included in the Webinars. My involvement with purebred dogs has allowed me to travel the world, meet some amazing people and get my hands on countless outstanding dogs. I hope that this website will allow you to share some of the pleasure that dogs have given me.
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